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Blessing yourself
Crystal Energy Healing

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Welcome to our Healing space Astra★



​Healing space Astra






Healing space Astraでは


クリスタルの周波数を用いたCrystal healingと

チャネリングやヒーリングによるEnergy healing をおこなっています。

だれよりも あなたがあなたを愛するために


だれよりも あなたがあなたをリスペクトするために



もう一度 思い出すために


 Astra means ‘sprit’ in Greek. It is the root word for ‘star’.

 Weare ‘Light’ living in the transient vessel called ‘Body’.

 It is the very Energy itself structured by light particles.

For ourselves to recall the original sparkle of light, 

And to bless ourselves for being born on the Earth,

Our site Healing space Astra provides 

 crystal Healing 

 and channeling and energy healing.

For no one else but you, to love your own self. 

For no one else but you, to respect your own self.

You have chosen to live on this planet the Earth

with the very strength and tenderness you have. 

For your spirit to recall this strength

and tenderness of your own once again,

and to shine out with your maximum potency…

Available Session


  • Channeling message

  • Energy healing work

  • Crystal healing

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